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A collection of articles and videos from various sources that we have chosen to educate, guide, and inspire you, no matter where you are on your marriage journey.

Celeste Orr
3 min read
5 Simple Date Night Ideas for a Fun Marriage
Stale is probably not the way you want to describe your marriage—not now, not ever. But the path to keeping a marriage fun, fresh, and...

Rosemary Sikora
3 min read
Five Lessons from the First Year of Marriage
In writing this I feel as if I’m writing a love letter of sorts to my husband. Marriage can be hard, but what good thing doesn’t take...

Susan Hagen
5 min read
Divorce Rate Cut in Half for Couples Who Discussed Relationship Movies
Love Story, 1970 Pdf link for list of movies and discussion questions. A new study finds that watching and discussing movies about...

Rohini Ross
5 min read
Strengthen Your Relationship by Getting Good At Making Up
Conflict looks like it is the biggest problem in relationships, but according to Dr. John Gottman, the amount of conflict in a...

Jennifer Pesetsky
2 min read
How Conflicts Help You Understand Your Partner
Does this sound familiar? You think the conflict is about who is going to pick up your child after school. It’s going to be a simple...

Corinne Issa
4 min read
The Importance of Date Night
They call it the seven-year-itch for a reason: the fact is, falling in love is really not that hard. Staying in love? That’s another...

Anna Aslanian, LMFT
4 min read
Conversational Boundaries without Stonewalling
Difficult conversations can lead to flooding. Learn how to set conversational boundaries without stonewalling. During stressful times, it...

Terry Gaspard
4 min read
The Rituals in Our Marriage That Keep Us Close
Terry Gaspard identifies the six habits of happily married people. There is definitely an art and a science to successful marriage. In...

Hannah Eaton
8 min read
Relationship Growth Happens in Nature
Growing up in New England, I spent a lot of time in nature. From a young age, my parents instilled in me the value of taking time to slow...

Jackie and Bobby, Ascension Presents
1 min read
How to Fight Fair
A great deal can be said about a relationship if the two parties involved can’t fight fair. That’s why Jackie and Bobby argue that...

Dr. Marni Feuerman, LCSW, LMFT
4 min read
Managing vs. Resolving Conflict in Relationships: The Blueprints for Success
In The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, Dr. John Gottman’s research proves that 69% of problems in a relationship are...

Colin Fernandez
3 min read
How a monthly date night could save your marriage
....Couples are 14% less likely to break up if they regularly enjoy a night out Married couples who have a monthly 'date night' and leave...

Kyle Benson
5 min read
3 Steps to Reconnect When You Feel Disconnected From Your Partner
Love is cultivated during the grind of everyday life. What can you do right now to make your relationship more romantic? You could get...

Bill and Pam Farrel
4 min read
How to Keep Your Marriage Strong During Life Transitions
Pam and Bill Farrel realized that the quality of their love was going to be determined by how they handled the changing seasons that...
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